
An additional quota offer of 150 MW for NEM Rakyat and 300 MW for NOVA. The NEM 3.0 quota offer period will run until 30 June 2025 or until all quotas are allocated

SEDA Malaysia would like to announce an additional quota offer of 150 MW for NEM Rakyat and 300 MW for NOVA. The NEM 3.0 quota offer period will run until 30 June 2025 or until all quotas are allocated, whichever comes first.
We are pleased to inform that the additional quota will be effective in the e-NEM system starting 1 January 2025, at 3:00 PM.
SEDA Malaysia urge all Service Providers to ensure that the NEM 3.0 application submission complies to the guidelines to avoid any applications from being rejected. For any inquiries, kindly email us at nem@seda.gov.my
Additionally, the solar system installation rebate of up to RM4,000.00 for NEM Rakyat consumer under the Solar For Rakyat Incentive Scheme (SolaRIS) will be extended until 30 April 2025, subject to the SolaRIS eligibility terms and conditions. 

Source: https://www.seda.gov.my/additional-quota-offers-for-nem-rakyat-and-nova-programme-2/


03 Jan 2025
